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ITP Thesis 2023

Dear 할머니 (Grandma)

Dear 할머니 is a letter to my grandma in the form of a video sculpture. It includes digital animations projected onto a layered shadowbox, with the letter narrated by me.

Rough Animator, After Effects, Procreate, Figma, MadMapper


Have you ever reconnected with the people from whom you drifted apart?


Reconnecting with my grandmother after years of distance, different cultures, and language barriers has been a challenge. In my quest for reconnection, I found that I express myself best through letters. 'Dear 할머니' is a video sculpture that allows me to share my passions, dreams, and concerns with her, bridging the gap and healing our relationship.

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In my initial research, I delved into quantifiable resources on intergenerational relationships, choice-based vs blood-related relationships, and age-related stereotypes in the US, while simultaneously, I explored narrative techniques through various media like games, films, books, and artists.


As I progressed, I conducted a personal exploration, delving into my own fears and worries about this project. I revisited my personal archives, including voice memos and photographs, to gain a deeper understanding of my relationship with my grandma. Additionally, I took up writing as a way to process my thoughts, focusing on the worry and fear in our relationship, as well as other aspects of our connection such as food and hobbies.


ITP Thesis Presentation

Learn more about the project by visiting the official ITP Thesis Archive 2023.

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